Archive for April, 2011

April 29th.2011

Friday, April 29th, 2011

What a wonderful day it’s been ~~ the Royal Wedding of course of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
I thought the whole ceremony was so lovely , her dress elegantly simple and they look so happy together, of course all sealed with a loving kiss.
Let’s hope the media leave these two young people alone to develop their lives without being followed every step of the way.

WDE Art Work

Monday, April 25th, 2011

WDE stands for Weekend Drawing Event, held each week at Wet Canvas, below are three paintings that I’ve done over the last two weeks.

A quick sketch done for WDE, this time charcoal and conte on water-colour paper, time taken about 1.1/4 hours.

This was done as a challenge for the WDE at Wet Canvas. A really good excercise in tonal values.
All done in Painter X using Wacom Intuous 4 pen, tools used were pencil and chalk plus a blender.
I’m very pleased with the final outcome.

This is Keeta with her Easter hat on two hours work done with oil pastels.

More Fractals

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Since my last post things have been rather hectic. Deviant Art is such a busy community with stunning artwork of such diversity that I can easily spend hours there and very often do, then find that I’m not spending enough time on my own artwork. However it is inspiring to see other’s work and has given me a boost to produce some good work this year so far.

My interest in fractals still remains strong, even though most of the time what I produce are happy incidents, I cannot claim to fully understand Apophysis, but do enjoy whiling away a few hours to produce something beautiful and creative. Here are a few more that I have created.

I love the Autumn colours in this one.

Well it does look a bit like geese to me, the border was added in Paint Shop Pro.

These last two are rather nice for Valentines Day.

More later.
